
Dr. Jose Luis Salinas
Consultancy, Risk Management Solutions Ltd, London, UK
Salinas, J.L., Kiss, A., Viglione, A., Viertl, R., and Blöschl, G. (2016). A fuzzy Bayesian approach to flood frequency estimation with imprecise historical information. Water Resources Research, 52(9), pp. 6730-6750, doi:10.1002/2016WR019177.
Salinas, J.L., A. Castellarin, S. Kohnová and T.R. Kjeldsen, 2013. On the quest for a pan-European flood frequency distribution: effect of scale and climate, submitted to Hydrology and Earth System Sciences Discussions.
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Jose Luis Salinas
Research Interests
• Stochastic rainfall modelling
• Hydrological extremes
• Regional flood frequency analysis
• Bayesian statistics
Jose Luis graduated from the Vienna Doctoral Programme in Spring 2015 with a PhD thesis on "Quantifying uncertainty components in flood frequency estimation". He continues his research on flood estimation in the ERC funded "FloodChange" project at TU Wien. During his diploma studies has was involved in several research projects such as the CRUE ERA-NET project in the field of European Flood Research during his studies at the Faculty of Civil Engineering, Polytechnic University Valencia. During his Diploma Thesis he contributed to the flood risk map calculation for the Marinas region in Alicante, more precisely in the stochastic rainfall generation.
Key Facts
Jose Luis holds a PhD from TU Wien, and a diploma in Civil Engineering from the Polytechnic University of Valencia, Spain. During his studies, he worked on the research areas of computational fluid mechanics and stochastic rainfall modelling in the Institute of Hydraulic and Environmental Engineering at the same faculty. He also studied for one year at the Vienna University of Technology (2008/2009), participating in the Socrates ERASMUS programme. In April 2010 he began his PhD studies at the Institute of Hydraulic Engineering and Water Resources Management of the Vienna University of Technology and graduated in early 2015. Jose Luis regularly attends international conferences and he is a member of the European Geosciences Union.
Upon graduating, is Jose continuing his research as a post-doc at the Institute of Hydrology and Water Resources as part of the ERC funded FloodChange Project at TU Wien.