News Archive
Dr. Julia Vierheilig receives the Meteka Prize
Dr. Julia Vierheilig receives the Meteka prize at the ÖGHMP Conference 2014 for her PhD work.[more]
Magdalena Rogger receives Fehrer Award
Magdalena Rogger receives the Fehrer Award 2013 for her PhD on “Extreme flood estimation and runoff processes in alpine catchments” The Fehrer Award, which is donated by the family of Dr. Ernst Fehrer, is granted yearly to a...[more]
Block course
Block course on “Economic perspectives on Water Management and Governance”, February 17 to February 21, 2014 The Centre for Water Resource Systems at TU Vienna would like to invite to the block course on “Economic...[more]
Scientific award "Water"

Julia Vierheilig receives scientific award of the city of Vienna (special award "Water") Scientific award of the city of Vienna (special award “Water”) honoured Dipl.-Biol. Julia Vierheilig, PhD student of the Vienna...[more]
PhD position
PhD position real-time flood simulation We're happy to announce that applications are welcome for a new PhD position in the field of real-time flood simulation. The researcher will investigate fast simulation techniques...[more]
Neptun-Water Award

Vienna Doctoral Programme Researchers Receive Neptun-Water Award Cutting edge research on the microbiology of alpine karstic springs conducted by Andreas Farnleitner and Interuniversity Cooperation Centre (ICC) Water &...[more]