
Dušan Marjanovic

Centre for Water Resource Systems, TU Wien, Karlsplatz 13/222, A-1040 Vienna, Austria

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Dušan Marjanovic


Research Interests


• Hydrology, Hydrometry and Hydroinformatics
• Spatial analysis of hydrological events and land use management
• Hydrological modelling


Dušan's research field is hydrology, focusing on the effects of land use management on runoff generation. His research project involves the study of the effects and effectiveness of grassed waterways in reducing the severity of hydrological events. His work, which is primarily based in the HOAL (Hydrological Open Air Laboratory) involves a combination of field measurement, data analysis and modelling with the goal of furthering the understanding of the impacts of different land use on runoff generation. In addition to that, he is working on analyzing the spatial patterns of overland flow, how they relate to soil moisture and what are their implications in the wider context of runoff generation.


Key Facts


Dušan holds a Bachelor's and Master's degree from the University of Belgrade, Faculty of Civil Engineering. His Bachelors thesis was on the potential electrical energy production of a proposed hydropower plant Komarnica in Montenegro; while his Masters thesis focused on the application of Artificial Neural Networks for a fast water level prediction on the Danube. Before starting his PhD at TU Vienna, he worked for two years in the Department of Surface Water Hydrology and Hydraulics at Jaroslav Cerni Water Institute in Belgrade, Serbia. His interests lie in the field of hydrology, hydrological modeling and hydroinformatics.