
Dr. Simon Thaler
Researcher at Miesenbergerhof, Austria
Thaler, S., Zessner, M., Weigl, M., Rechberger, H., Schilling, K., and Kroiss, H. (2015) Possible implications of dietary changes on nutrient fluxes, environment and land use in Austria. Agricultural Systems 136, 14-29.
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Simon Thaler
Research Interests
• Impacts of diet on nutrient management
• Nutrient management and influence on water resources
Key Facts
Simon obtained a Diplomingenieur degree (Master of Science) from the University of Natural Resources and Applied Life Sciences Vienna, Austria in 2008. He then started work at the Institute for Water Quality, Resources and Waste Management at the Vienna University of Technology where he was involved in a variety of projects dealing with the interrelationship between agriculture, nutrition, water quality and water demand.
Simon he completed his doctorate in May 2015 on the impacts of diet on nutrient management and water resources under the supervision of Prof. Matthias Zessner. Since graduating, he continues to run his own successful organic farm in Upper Austria.