
Dr. Magdalena Rogger
Tel.: +43-1-58801-22327 Institute of Hydrology and Water Resource Management, Vienna University of Technology, Karlsplatz 13/222, A-1040 Vienna, Austria
Rogger, M., Viglione, A., Derx, J. and Blöschl, G. (2013) Quantifying effects of catchments storage thresholds on step changes in the flood frequency curve. Water Resources Research, 49, 6946 - 6958.
Rogger, M., Kohl, B., Pirkl, H., Viglione, A., Komma, J., Kirnbauer, R., Merz, R. and Blöschl, G. 2012. Runoff models and flood frequency statistics for design flood estimation in Austria – Do they tell a consistent story? Journal of Hydrology, 456-457, 30-43.
Rogger, M., Pirkl, H., Viglione, A., Komma, J., Kohl, B., Kirnbauer, R., Merz, R. and Blöschl, G. 2012. Step changes in the flood frequency curve: Process controls. Water Resources Research, 48, W05544, doi:10.1029/2011WR011187.
People ›Associate Post-docs
Magdalena Rogger
Research Interests
• Understanding flood processes in small catchments
• Reconciling statistical and deterministic flood estimation methods
For her doctorate, Magdalena worked on ten pilot catchments in Tyrol (Western Austria) where she reconciled regional scale statistical methods with local scale process based/deterministic methods in order to obtain an improved approach for the estimation of design values. The results of the different pilot catchments were used as a basis for interpreting the differences in the applied methods and to better understand the relative merits of each approach in a particular hydrological setting for a given availability of data.
Key Facts
Magdalena graduated in 2013 with a PhD entitled "Extreme flood estimation in alpine catchments," in which she addressed the scale problem of flood estimation methods. She holds a degree in Environmental Engineering (with distinction) from the University of Natural Resources and Applied Life Sciences, Vienna (BOKU). During her studies, which offered her a broad insight into the different fields of Environmental Engineering, she discovered her interest for hydrology and decided to specialise in this field. She deepened her hydrological knowledge with an exchange semester at the Uppsala University in Sweden where she took courses on hydrological modelling and subsurface hydrology. The title of her Master thesis, which she conducted in collaboration with the Uppsala University, was “Effect of temperature variations on a Non-Aqueous-Phase-Liquid (NAPL) in subsurface systems”.
Upon graduating, Magdalena is continuing her research as a post-doc at the Institute of Hydrology and Water Resources as part of the ERC funded FloodChange Project at TU Wien.