
Dr. Patrick Hogan
Centre for Water Resource Systems,
Vienna University of Technology,
Karlsplatz 13/222, A-1040 Vienna, Austria
Széles, B., J. Parajka, P. Hogan, R. Silasari, L. Pavlin, P. Strauss and G. Blöschl (2021) Stepwise prediction of runoff using proxy data in a small agricultural catchment. Journal of Hydrology and Hydromechanics, 69, 65-75.
Hogan, P., Parajka, D., Heng, L., Strauss, P., and Bloeschl, G. (2020) Partitioning evapotranspiration using stable isotopes and lagrangian dispersion analysis in a small agricultural catchment. J. Hydrol. Hydromech., 68(2), 134-143.
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Patrick Hogan
Research Interests
• Micro meteorology
• Upper atmosphere physics
• Lightning detection
Patrick is a meteorologist with a background in physics who will be working on the automatic weather station at Petzenkirchen. He has a keen interest in many different areas of atmospheric physics, having done projects ranging from synoptic meteorology and weather forecasting to modelling the temperature of the mesosphere from the spectra of hydroxyl radicals in the airglow.
Key Facts
Patrick obtained a bachelors degree in Physics with Astrophysics from the National University of Ireland Maynooth with a project focus on mesospheric physics. He then completed a Master of Science degree in Meteorology and Climate at University College Dublin with a thesis on the development and enhancement of an automatic weather station run by the Meteorology Department.