Vetter, M., Höfle, B., Hollaus, M., Gschöpf, C., Mandlburger, G., Pfeifer, N. and Wagner, W. 2011. Vertical vegetation structure analysis and hydraulic roughness determination using dense ALS point cloud data - a voxel based approach. ISPRS Workshop Laser Scanning 2011, 29-31 August, University of Calgary, Alberta, Canada.
Michael Vetter
Doctoral Programme on Water Resource Systems
Tel.: +43-1-58801-406659
Karlsplatz 13/222, A-1040 Vienna, Austria
Research Highlights
Identifying vertical vegetation structure with remote sensing
Remote sensing is a fast and accurate way to collect real-time information about the earth’s surface. Many creative applications are emerging that can help scientists understand water processes.

Surface roughness helps hydrologists model water flows
Michael Vetter and his co-authors were interested in determining how laser scanning data could be applied to give information to hydrologists on surface roughness. They did this by dividing up the laser data set into cells (1m by 1m), voxels (cubes of 1m by 1m at an equal height 0.5m), and connections (groups of voxels that usually represent a single plant or tree). Specific criteria and corresponding roughness scores were developed (such as maximum height of lowest connection less than 0.15m) and applied to the data set. The resulting estimates of surface roughness can be easily applied to a hydraulic model to more accurately simulate flood water flow over an inundated surface. A major advantage of using laser scanned data is that information on the surface geometry (i.e. slope gradient, depressions and ridges) is also provided. And that this data corresponds to exactly the same point in time as the information on the vegetation and surface roughness. Until now, corresponding data sets for the same point in time had not been available. This data resource is a major benefit for hydraulic modellers.
December 2012