News Archive
Dr Miriam Bertola receives The Young Talent Award of the Climate Change Center Austria

Dr. Miriam Bertola received the „CCCA-Nachwuchspreis“ (The Young Talent Award of the Climate Change Center Austria) for her 2023 paper titled: „Megafloods in Europe can be anticipated from observations in hydrologically...[more]
Stan Thorez wins best oral presentation
Stan Thorez won the ‘Best oral presentation by a student’ award at the 10th International Symposium on Environmental Hydraulics held between 25-27 June 2024 in Aberdeen, Scotland: [more]
Sophia Steinbacher wins Best Poster Award
At the 38th Annual Conference of the Austrian Society for Hygiene, Microbiology and Preventive Medicine (ÖGHMP) Sophia Steinbacher, PhD student in microbiology, was awarded the best poster prize. [more]
Prof. Farnleitner receives Danubius Award 2023
Prof. PD Dr. Andreas H. Farnleitner MSc.Tox from KL Krems was awarded the Danubius Award 2023. At the Danubius Awards 2023, researchers from the Danube region were honored for their scientific achievements. To learn more,...[more]
Vienna Catchment Science Symposia (VCSS)
VCSS 2024 - Outrageous hypotheses in hydrology VCSS 2024 Report and photos VCSS 2020 - Outrageous hypotheses in hydrology - CANCELLED VCSS 2019 - Regional process hydrology VCSS 2019 Report...[more]
Open position HOAL Manager
Offene Stelle (m/w/d) Manager des hydrologischen Außenlabors in Petzenkirchen, NÖ Wir suchen: Eine Managerin / einen Manager des hydrologischen Außenlabors der Technischen Universität Wien. Besetzung der...[more]
Open Phd and Masters position in bacterial overland transport and modelling
The TU Wien opens a PhD and Master positions in the field of bacterial overland transport and modelling. The successful candidates will be working in a research project funded by the Austrian Science Fund (FWF), and embedded...[more]