
Dr. Katalin Demeter
Tel.: +43-1-58801-166548
Centre for Water Resource Systems,
Vienna University of Technology,
Karlsplatz 13/222, A-1040 Vienna, Austria
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Katalin Demeter
Research Interests
• Water hygiene
• Source tracking of faecal pollution in water
• Science-policy dialogue
Katalin has been working on various aspects of aquatic microbiology and water quality. She is interested in the management of the microbial quality of water (detection methods, faecal source apportionment, risk assessment models) as well as in the broad, multidisciplinary field of water quality management. Her Ph.D. thesis will focus on microbial source tracking methods and their use in public health risk assessment.
Key Facts
Katalin obtained her master’s degree in biology, specialisation in molecular biology, from the Eötvös Loránd University in Budapest, Hungary. Subsequently she completed a degree in environmental management at the National Institute for Applied Sciences (INSA), Lyon, France. She worked as a research assistant on bathing water quality modelling in Ireland (University College Dublin) and on aquatic microbial ecology in Austria (University of Vienna) before joining the DK Doctoral Programme in autumn 2016.