
Dr. Christian Gasser
Engineer, VCE Vienna Consulting Engineers ZT GmbH, Vienna, Austria
Gasser, C. and Bucher, C. (2018) An optimized strategy for asymptotic sampling for reliability analysis, Structural Safety, 71, 33 - 40.
Gasser, C. (2013) Parameteridentifikation und Schadensdetektion auf Grundlage der ambienten Schwingungsantwort unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Methode der Zusatzmassen am Beispiel eines kleinmaßstäblichen Schubrahmens. Masterarbeit, Universität Innsbruck (Arbeitsbereich für Angewandte Mechanik).
People ›Alumni
Christian Gasser
Research Interests
• Structural Dynamics
• Computational Mechanics
• Structural Reliability
• Structural Optimization
• System Identification
Christian´s research interests lie in the field of structural dynamics and related fields such as earthquake engineering, wind engineering and vibration control. He gained working experience in this field through participation in several research and industry projects. His doctoral dissertation will focus on reliability and optimization of structures in a life-time perspective. Possible applications of this research could be all type of structures that are excited by dynamical and/or uncertain loads.
Key Facts
Christian studied Civil and Environmental Engineering at the University of Innsbruck, where he passed his master’s examination in March 2014. He wrote a master’s thesis about dynamical system identification supervised by Prof. Dr. Christoph Adam with the title “Parameteridentifikation und Schadensdetektion auf Grundlage der ambienten Schwingungsantwort
unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Methode der Zusatzmassen am Beispiel eines kleinmaßstäblichen Schubrahmens”. After a short period in the private sector he is now working as a university assistant at the department of Civil Engineering at TU Wien in Vienna, Austria.