
Dr. Klaus Haslinger
Tel.: +43-1-36026-2203
Central Institute of Meteorology and Geodynamics, Climate Research Department Hohe Warte 38, A-1190 Vienna, Austria
Haslinger, K., Holawe, F. and Blöschl, G. (2018) Spatial characteristics of precipitation shortfalls in the Greater Alpine Region—a data-based analysis from observations. Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 1-15.
Haslinger, K. and Blöschl, G. (2017) Space-time patterns of meteorological drought events in the European Greater Alpine Region over the past 210 years. Water Resources Research, 53(11), 9807-9823.
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Klaus Haslinger
Research Interests
• Long term climate variability
• Droughts and low flows
• Regional climate modelling
• Land-atmosphere interactions
Klaus is a climatologist with a strong background in hydrology. His main research interest is precipitation variability in space and time, particularly droughts and their link to low flows as well as regional climate modelling and land-atmosphere interactions. The initial spark for Klaus´ interest in droughts and the motivation for understanding processes and forcings of droughts were given by a project dealing with climate change impacts on low flows. This research strengthened his motivation for investigating the atmospheric forcings and large scale influences on drought generation. The working title of his dissertation is “Drought forcings across scales – understanding drought governing atmospheric processes in the Greater Alpine Region” and will be supervised by Prof. Günter Blöschl.
Key Facts
Klaus studied Theoretical and Applied Geography at the University of Vienna where he focussed on Meteorology and Hydrology. Klaus received his degree in July 2009. The topic of his diploma thesis was “Climate change scenarios for the headwaters of the Große Mühl river; bias evaluation of ECHAM5/REMO input data and hydrological analysis”.
Since autumn 2009 Klaus has been working at the Climate Research Department of the Central Institute for Meteorology and Geodynamics (ZAMG), the federal weather service of Austria. He is involved in various research projects dealing with climate and climate change in Austria and the Greater Alpine Region. Klaus is also lecturer of several undergraduate and master courses at the Department of Geography and Regional Research of the University of Vienna.
In autumn 2014 Klaus received a DOC fellowship from the Austrian Academy of Sciences.