
Dr. Zsolt Horvath VRVis Research Centre for Virtual Reality and Visualization,
Vienna University of Technology,
Karlsplatz 13/222, A-1040 Vienna, Austria
Horváth, Z., Perdigão, R. A. P., Waser, J., Cornel, D., Konev, A., Blöschl, G. (2016) Kepler shuffle for real-world flood simulations on GPUs, International Journal of High Performance Computing Applications, doi: 10.1177/1094342016630800
Horváth Z., Waser J., Perdigão R.A.P., Konev A., Blöschl G. (2014) A Two-Dimensional Numerical Scheme of Dry/Wet Fronts for the Saint-Venant System of Shallow Water Equations, International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids, 77 (3), 159-182.
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Zsolt Horvath
Research Interests
• Flow simulation
• Real-time rendering
• Simulation systems
• GPU computing
Zsolt's thesis focuses on shallow water simulations for rivers and flood plains using multiple Graphics Processing Units, GPUs.
Zsolt has contributed to several research projects of the Computer Graphics Research Group during his studies at the Faculty of Information Technology, Brno University of Technology. He has co-authored two papers on the acceleration of fluid simulations and on a new algorithm for detecting deformable marker fields, respectively.
Key Facts
Zsolt obtained a bachelors degree in Information Technology from Brno University of Technology, Czech Republic in 2010. He completed an engineering masters diploma in 2012 at the same institute in Real-time Simulation of Fluids. This work focused on real-time and interactive simulation of fluids on general purpose GPUs by using SPH (particle-based numerical approximations to the Navier-Stokes equations). In 2012 he joined the Computer Graphics Research Group at the Brno University of Technology and worked in the field of Computer Vision.