< Ottavia Zoboli was awarded the 2016 Award of Excellence
04.01.2017 07:06 Age: 8 yrs

Emil Mosonyi Special Award and 1st price of the Woldemár Lászlóffy Thesis Competition were awarded to Borbála Széles

The Emil Mosonyi Special Award and the 1st prize of the 2016 Woldemár Lászlóffy Thesis Competition in MSc category were awarded to Borbála Széles, student of the Vienna Doctoral Programme on Water Resource Systems. The awards are sponsored by the Hungarian Hydrological Society.


Borbála completed her Master's thesis at the Vienna University of Technology under the supervision of Professor Günter Blöschl and Professor Juraj Parajka, exploring the sensitivities of runoff to different rainfall-runoff generation mechanisms using a conceptual hydrological model in the HOAL, the Hydrological Open Air Laboratory in Petzenkirchen.